North Curry is a beautiful village quietly tucked away on the southwestern side of the Somerset Levels in an elevated position along a sandstone ridge, well away from the main highways.  The buildings, history, and village life make North Curry a surprising gem amongst the winding, hedgerow-bordered country lanes that tie it to surrounding villages.  North Curry parish traditionally included the hamlets of Helland, Knapp, Lillesdon, Moredon, Newport and Wrantage.

North Curry has an active history society, village hall, public house village store with Post Office counter, hair dressers, Church of St Peter and St Paul, nicknamed ‘The Cathedral of the Moors’, playing fields, primary school, doctor's surgery, Women's Institute, cricket club, gardening club, musical and theatrical groups, and a luncheon club.  In 2006, villagers opened a coffee shop, in a converted barn offering artwork and crafts by local artists, along with hot food, homemade cakes, and good cheer, with all proceeds from the coffee shop go to charity.

WHY WE LOVE NORTH CURRY:  “We simply adore the village charm with its picturesque properties, exceptional range of villages amenities and the idyllic situation with the larger towns of Langport and Taunton being a short car journey.”

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